Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Blogging: The New Phenomenon

In the past, one could express themselves in a way that limited an audience size because of distance or timeliness. It's not easy publishing your comment in a newspaper or a magazine when there are thousand others for the editors to consider. Television? That five minutes of fame isn't that easy to come by either.

But weblogs - or more commonly known as just 'blogs' - gives a different scenario altogether. It gives you the freedom, the space or a global audience for your disposal to be heard. Of course, one should stick to the average code of ethics and not abuse that given freedom.
To answer the question of 'what is a blog', Blogger (2008) said 'Your blog is whatever you want it to be' and they could not have phrased it better.

The Blogosphere, as Wikipedia (2008) put it, is a colleective community where all blogs that are somehow interlinked together, almost making it similar to a social network. However, as the World Wide Web became increasingly popular as is the trend in blogging, the Blogosphere has changed tremendously in size and influence, making it truly a phenomenon.

The size of the Blogosphere 2008
[Source from:]

To top that off, the size of the Blogosphere is still growing. On average, Technorati Media (2008) receives data that 175, 000 new blogs are made every day. Not to mention, bloggers come various backgrounds and different places. Make that a global phenomenon.

Geographic Distribution of Bloggers 2008
[Source from:]


Blogger 2008, What's a blog?, viewed 5 November 2008,, State of the Blogosphere 2008, viewed 5 November 2008,

Technorati Media 2008, About, viewed 5 November 2008,

Wikipedia 2008, Blogosphere, viewed 5 November 2008,

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